On Human Nature

Every new generation is hardwired to resist, reject and overthrow an established order, conventional system or status quo because human being especially in early age, being in active state, is naturally a novelty seeker or explorer of the unknown things and untried methods (probably because to bask in the feelings of perfection and to deceive himself of being an all-knowing omnipotent immortal) and he feels old order as a hindrance. That's what precisely drives him. ‘Life’, in other words, is actually a motion which at every cost would go against stillness of anything that is already established in order to achieve another stillness for establishing another order, like from one stride to another, from one step to another, from one rung of a ladder to another. On a whole, progress or movement of one generation is like a single stride or step of one man, whether downward or upward. Human nature inherently desires to preserve himself, to stay, to achieve stillness or stability to gain grip of a foot on the rung of ladder of life so that he may be able to push with a force to achieve a state of activity in order to move himself towards another rung.


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